Inner/Outer Beauty Activation Kit

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Inner/Outer Beauty Activation Kit


This offers is 3-fold <3:

Firstly, I want you to know what is blocking your ability to shine confidently. What's holding you back from stepping fully into what you are being drawn to? What hidden doubts, secrets, worries and fears lie right beneath the surface waiting to be seen and resolved? I will do an intuitive tarot reading for you shining the light on these things so that you can finally take the steps forward that you've been wanting to for so long.

This reading will be the basis for what comes next. What comes next is the assembly of your special MOVE Makeup Inner to Outer Beauty makeup set. You'll receive your confidence building basics - foundation, concealer, and veil. More importantly though, you'll receive a special eyeshadow designed to address the blocks that came up in your reading. If you haven't read my article about how eyeshadow can be used for empowerment, go do that now (

Lastly, you'll receive an essential oil blend that I customize just for you to enhance and anchor in your reading and to inspire within you new courage to shine confidently.

What customers say:

”Hello Leah I absolutely loved my Whole package that includes my reading!. I would love to do another/ make it apart of my beauty regiment. Thank you so much love you put into for me.

My best regards. K”

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