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Free Teleseminar! - Self Care for Busy Women


Free Teleseminar! - Self Care for Busy Women

Hey dear!

Have you seen my announcement around on social media about the free teleseminar I’m giving this Thursday? I’m really looking forward to it and I don’t think you should miss it. I’m going to be sharing 3 ways to reel yourself back in from stress, worry, and the dreaded A word – anxiety. The point is to show you how I get my balance back and encourage you to try out some of my tactics for yourself.

As you probably know by now, I am a fellow busy woman. Even though I’ve made a huge effort over the past 12 months to release that identity, it still creeps up from time to time. I constantly teeter the balancing edge of knowing that I must be a Firestarter and remembering that the flames can’t spark off if I have no fuel to give them. I’ve struggled with making time to replenish myself for years. Only because of my stripped-bare year, have I catapulted into enough of a sense that I must preserve myself to be able to do that with a disinterested shrug and oh well to the rest of my supposed to-do list. As I’ve said a couple of times, I was ready to let it all go if need be.

And that was not a particularly fun time, so if I can help keep you from having to take yourself to that brink, I’m all for it. This is why my focus is on self-care for the beginning of this year and why I’ve decided to offer this free teleseminar.

Registering for it is simple – all you need to do is text selfcare to 87365. That will get you set up so that the day before, you’ll receive a text with all of the listening details and a reminder text the day of to tune in.

I really hope you will join me. You won’t regret it and in fact you’ll feel so extra rejuvenated and refreshed because you did :-). 

Self Care for Busy Women Free Teleseminar - THURSDAY.png

Remember, registering is simple - just text selfcare to 87365!


Vision Boards are Self Care

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Vision Boards are Self Care

I’ve been on the vision board band wagon for a much longer time than most. Back in 2006 when the Secret first came out, I was introduced to the idea of the law of attraction, the law of abundance, and the fact that thoughts become things.

Just like everyone else, I got excited about ‘how easy’ it would be to create the life I wanted now that I knew the Secret. And just like everyone else, I quickly realized that though the Secret was absolute truth, getting my mind to cooperate fully was a journey of layers and layers of uncovering – and not as easy as I naively thought it would be :-).

The pure essence of the truth that feelings attract like feelings (and therefore the things that are associated with triggering those feelings) is simple, complex, and profound. Sometimes our brains need an equally seemingly simple yet complex and profound way to harness that truth. This is what vision boards are.

A vision board creates a gateway to feelings we want to have by placing the things you associate with those feelings in plain sight, jazzed up in a way that delights on its own. Its whole purpose is to ignite what it feels like having this or that thing. In that way, you create the energetic pull that brings that thing out of ‘maybe’ into reality. It really is that simple.

However, it does create a chicken/egg type of conundrum. Does the elatedness come first and then the thing? Does the thought of the thing coming cause the elatedness? Must you get ridiculously and randomly happy first and then start making your orders of the Universe?

In my experience, these are the thoughts that can potentially kill the entire experience. Within these thoughts are doubt, judgement, and fear – all negative feelings that move you away from an intrinsic appreciation of the activity itself. Vision Boards don’t have to be about the outcome and in their essence aren’t about ‘doing it right’. That stress is unwanted and counter-productive. Instead I’ve come to realize that vision boards are much more about ‘doing right by yourself’ and taking a massive step forward in your own self care.

This is what I mean. When you set aside time to create a vision board, this is what you are saying:

1.       you are firstly affirming to yourself that you are important enough to make time for and to plan for.

2.       You are affirming that you have goals and desires that are important.

3.       You are affirming that you believe enough in yourself that these are worth thinking about in a positive way.

4.       You are putting a concrete belief forward that your future could be brighter and more fulfilling than your present.

This is radical self care. This is what self care really is – the supporting of yourself in a way that reminds you constantly that you are worthy, important, and favored by the Universe.

This is why creating a Vision Board can be a very powerful form of self care, especially when you create it with a conscious awareness of the intentions you are setting in place – not just for the things that you want to see manifest – but also for the way you see and care for yourself.

There are many reasons to decide to make the time to create a Vision Board - when you need a reboot and a rebalance, when you need to remember the possibilities in life, when you need to refocus yourself and employ the three Rs – refreshment, renewal, rejuvenation. One of the most impactful reasons to be conscious of though is to remember your own worth and light! <3!

I'll be hosting the first ever CREATE YOUR LIFE VISION BOARD Workshop on March 13th from 9am - 1pm. If you are ready to step forward and claim a vision for your life, I invite you to watch the video below where I tell you all about it and visit here to register!

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The Link between Reproductive Health and Your 2nd Chakra


Initially, when we think of our reproductive system health, the idea that it might have anything at all to do with our level of fulfillment in life may seem a far fetch. However, stay with me for a bit and I’ll explain the connection.

In the world of energy work, your reproductive system is in the area of your 2nd Chakra. If you aren’t familiar with Chakras, you can think of them as energy centers in your body that have influence over various aspects of your emotions, actions, and life in general. The 2nd Chakra has to do with your creativity, passions, and sexuality – the things that inspire you and give you a zest for life.

So when your 2nd Chakra is balanced, you are generally fully in touch with your creativity and your passions and your ability to do great work is maximized. This intact inspirational energy is vital to living a vibrant and fulfilled life.

When this Chakra is out of balance however, doubts creep in and we begin living a diminished version of ourselves. This can translate into not voicing our opinions, stifling our anger or frustration, and leaving emotions pent up and unexpressed.

Of course, this doesn’t serve anyone, least of all ourselves. When we are living in this diminished state, our contributions to the world are suppressed and watered down. We can find ourselves feeling as though we aren’t cut out for handling the strains and stressors of life positively and as if that weren’t enough, these issues can begin to manifest on a physical level as well. 

This is where the connection to reproductive system health comes into play.

On the physical plane, these issues of stifled creativity and expression show up as ailments like debilitating PMS and cramps, fibroids, endometriosis, and PCOS.

One way to see all of these problems is as ways that your body is showing you how much you are stifling and suppressing yourself. They give you a great opportunity to explore where you need to process old feelings, resolve old hurts, and muster the courage to live more on your own terms.

Think about this – when we experience reproductive health issues, most all of them slow us down and require us to ‘be still and present’. I know for myself, when my period cramps are raging, all I have energy to do is to sit or lie down. I come to an almost meditative state where there is little space for much else other than thinking and allowing.

Within this state, I experience so much peace and clarity. I'm able to see clearly where I'm holding myself back and where I need to actually take a step back. It's one of the many gifts that this time brings.

The next time that you experience this, take it as an opportunity to do some meditative journaling about where you are holding yourself in. Ask yourself how you might be allowing your creativity and expression to be silenced.

Here are a few questions to help you in the process of discovering where the imbalances lie and how to begin righting them.

1.       What creative activity did I love to do as a child? Why haven’t I done it lately? What’s stopping me?

2.       What haven’t I told someone that I’ve wanted to tell someone?

3.       What idea haven’t I acted on because it’s scary and I don’t think I can do it?

Start off with these questions and let them carry you to your answers and then make a promise to yourself to act on them.

Understanding the links your reproductive system has to your ultimate happiness is a great gift. It is connected to so many concerns that are important to us as women - from having clear skin to our sense of well being. Beyond what I've talked about here, there is much more to healing your reproductive system and having it function optimally. An in-depth look at your hormones and how well-balanced they are will tell you a lot. Out of whack hormones can cause all types of ailments and inconveniences including the most common ones stated above, PCOS, fibroids, early menopause, etc. 

If you find yourself dealing with hormonal imbalances (telltale signs are monthly breakouts that don't respond to treatment, hair loss or hair gain, painful periods), I invite you to download my new Ebook Back to Balance: Hormonal Health by entering your email address below! It will teach you simple mental and physical adjustments you can make right now to begin balancing your hormones and experiencing true relief! 

Enter your email address to receive your Ebook!




Self Care for Busy Women: 90 Days to Restoring Your Spirit!


Self Care for Busy Women: 90 Days to Restoring Your Spirit!


Hello love!

Happy Valentine's Day! It's so interesting the way the Universe and serendipity works. Interesting isn't the right word - it's magical and awe-inspiring. Because I believe in serendipity, serendipity happens around me all of the time. And so the serendipity of my plans to write this message ending me on sending this message on Valentine's Day - how appropriate :-). 

Today I want to tell you about the new offerings I've put together. I've thought about what's been the most needed thing I've been asked to teach (not just the most fun ;-)). What thing is it that people gravitate to me for and ask me about? What wisdom do I have to share that you ask me for time and time again.

I've discovered two and these are what I've decided to lead with this year.

One is Hormonal Health which I call Wise Woman Womb Ways. I've found that so many women are at a loss about how to be in balance with their body after a certain age. It's something I've practiced for years - I know my body really well and I'm tuned in to what it needs and most of the time, I'm good at complying. This is what keeps my skin clear, gives me boundless energy to do so much and choose to do only what I want, and keeps me - as a friend just recently told me -  "the most gorgeous, vivacious, fit, healthy and young spirited 40 year old I know".  Am I blushing?? You know I am :-D. 

And so I've created as a starting point for you, my guide to Wise Woman Hormonal Health. It's free and I made it out of love and real care about helping you set out on the right path if you are floundering looking for direction. Please tap in and download it here.

The second area is self care. Oh self care. Self care is more than a simple word for me. It's what has saved my life. Yes, I know that at first glance, sounds melodramatic. But rest assured, it is the honest truth. Had I not learned to care for myself, prioritize myself, learn myself, and ultimately love myself - I would not be here. I mean that literally. You may know my story of depression and attempted suicide. Believe me when I say that no one else can convince you that life is worth living except yourself. To get out of that space YOU have to decide that it's worth it and that you are worth it. 

And so you see, self care is sacred for me. I believe it is THE KEY to unlocking the rest of the joy in your life. And I believe that self care is more than just a massage or a mantra or an essential oil diffuser. It begins so much deeper than that. It's multi-faceted and spans across all the areas of your life. It's a practice much more than an act  - self care is a lifestyle.

And when I thought about what work I wanted to do this year that would fill me up and simultaneously fill up my clients and customers, empowering them to create self care plans that reached to their essence and restored their very core continued to float to the surface.

And so I listened and in response I created Self Care for Busy Women: 90 Days to Restoring Your Spirit (because part of our problem is that we are so busy right?). It's a 90 Day Program that brings together all that I have learned in the journey of becoming the most important person to me. This program does a lot. In the immediate, it frees you from dragging through every day in zombie mode. But more than that, I designed it help you discover how to feel restored, renewed, and ultimately truly able to handle all that life presents you - with ease, grace, joy, and a knowing that things are always working out in your favor. Because they always are and wouldn't it be nice to just have peace with knowing that's true?

I'll be honest with you. This program is intensive and extensive. It's only for the woman that is ready for a change - a change that might take you through some unpleasant moments and make you look at some uncomfortable things. With love, I'm telling you that it's not for you yet if you find yourself creating excuses for your life. It's not quite yet for you if everything is always everyone else's fault. It's not for you if you are just looking for someone to commiserate with and agree on how bad it all is.

But if you know that your spirit needs restoring and you are ready to do the work - some of it hard, some of it fun and joy-filled, all of it necessary - then I would love to talk to you because I believe that Self Care for Busy Women might be what you are seeking. I want to talk with you and see if the program I've created is your next step of renewal on your path. 

I invite you to schedule a Rebalance Session with me where we'll take a look at some of the reasons that you feel like your wheels are spinning, create some solutions that you can immediately put into play and then assess if Self Care for Busy Women is a good match for you. Click here for my calendar - let's talk soon! 


My Tarot Card of the Year


My Tarot Card of the Year

The end of the year is mostly about processing and evaluating for me. This is the time when I gather up the pieces of myself that may have been scattered by the year and decidely put myself back to gether the way I want to be. One practice I always engage in is self-reflection. I've been really drawn to my Tarot cards since the middle of this year and as you know, I've started to read a lot more and even opened back up to reading for the public(->my Etsy Shop!) and making it an integral part of my coaching sessions. 

So when I happened upon Lisa Frideborg's Tarot Card of the Year analysis, I immediately jumped on figuring out what my tarot card year will be for 2017. I'm a big fan of numerology and use it in almost everything I do. It’s become second nature to think about the numerology of things as I make choices and plans. So of course, combining tarot and numerology are right up my alley.

But I can’t say that I was ecstatic when I figured out what my year was lol. This coming year, 2017 is a Death year for me, as in correlating with the Death Tarot Card #13. Yes, lol on first appearances this did not cause me to leap with joy. I honestly feel like I just went through a Death Year where so many things ended and had to be let go of. The Death card in the Tarot is rarely about actual Death but is more about things ending and transforming in order for new growth to happen. It’s the ultimate stop/no more/don’t pass go/get off this train card. And there was a lot of that this year. Tarot wise, this year was a Hanged Man year though and when I thought about that, it did make sense.

The Hanged Man card in the Tarot is about making the ultimate sacrifice. It’s about doing things that don’t feel good at all for the good of all and for the ultimate best good for yourself. In the process though, it feels like you are being stretched absolutely thin and pushed to your most extreme limits. Being the Hanged Man is tough to say the least.

And that also applies to this past year. In fact, it probably does apply more than Death does because honestly, I wasn’t ready to make those changes. If I could have had my way, I would have held on tightly and continued on with every single thing I had to let go of this year. I would have continued to try to make them work somehow. But being the Hanged Man requires that you let go and let yourself, your desires, and your wants become less important. And this year was definitely about that.  

So when I think about the coming year, it leaves me thinking about what else needs shedding, stopping, or transforming. What I do know is that life will show me. The universe will most definitely bring it up for me to look at and act accordingly. What I’m thinking this being a Death Year means though is that it won’t nearly be as hard. I’ll be ready to let things go if they aren’t serving me anymore. It will be easy to choose the routes that lead to enlightenment and fulfillment instead of holding on to patterns that are only spiraling down or nowhere at best.

Can we say amen to that?! So I can actually say that I’m not afraid of this year bringing on more endings and transformations. I’m ready for it. It truly is time for some patterns of which I’ve just grown accustomed to end. I’m ready for a transformation in key areas of my life and I’m willing to go through the uncomfortable patches to get to the other side of it. And what’s the most comforting is that on the other side of Death is the Star – jubilation, renewal, celebration, and living in purpose. I’m all for a 2018 full of that ;-).

To find out your Tarot card of the Year, you can check out Lisa’s post here. I’ve designed a Tarot spread similar to hers to help me make the best start into the new year and fully explore my word/theme for 2017 ‘BE BIG’. I’m offering a $20 reading special for a mini-coaching session and Tarot exploration of your word for the year that you can take advantage of by grabbing a spot on my calendar ->(

Here’s to fully stepping into the new year, eyes wide open saying yes please to all of the abundance we can receive! 



End of the Year Slow Down...

So I’ve been wondering what to write to you about. There’s been a lot going on but most of it’s been internal – me in planning and allowing mode. I’ve purposely taken a step back from everything at the end of this year. Part of it has been practical. I took on a temp job to help me through transitioning out of dance work into more coaching and mentoring work. But the practical has made an easy excuse for the real reason – the need to get out of doing energy and get more into feeling energy. Another way to say it is setting the masculine energy on the shelf for a bit and getting cozy with my feminine energy.
I came upon this necessity after a few different talks with various mentors and guides. It became clear that I was too focused on productivity and listening to my urges to get things done . I wasn’t however listening to my intuition that was telling me to rest and relax. And so with the start of this temp job, I began the process of slowing down and just “being”.
It’s remarkable how something so simple can result in such profound shifts. First off, I feel so much more in tune. My worry nerve is almost none existent. I have a sense of peace and knowing and calm coupled with giddy expectancy when thinking of the future. The things that would normally bother me are rolling off of me without much effort. I’m enjoying myself. I’m feeling rested. I’m smiling more and more. I’m finding myself with *more* time even though technically I have *less* time.
The blessings abound and with that the *right* and most exciting ideas and certainties are surfacing.
I have some dear to me goals for the new year for instance. I’m going to begin work on my tarot/oracle deck for depression and anxiety overcomers. I will start a new web-show project with my dear friend Shamelle Reveter of Destiny’s Talent (We refer to it as our own Super Soul Sunday :-D). And I will be taking on my first one on one clients into my signature program created with the goal of teaching you how to access your divine feminine confidence from within yourself and live out of it every day. I actually have some exciting news coming up about a way to experience a taste of this that I’ll be sharing in the Facebook Group Inner Goddess, Outer Glow. Join us over there so that you don’t miss out on hearing about it!
I’ve been doing a lot of sharing there – just recently I chatted about the Full Moon and how to use that energy to our advantage. It’s still relevant so, especially if you have been feeling out of sorts and overstressed, be sure to check it out.
So dear, I am delighted that we are almost done with 2016 and headed into 2017. 2017 is going to be amazing. Let’s claim it together <3!
Be on the lookout at the beginning of the year – we are going to start off the same way we did last year – choosing our word for the year and setting our intentions for what we want to bring into existence. Until next time, have beautiful days and a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate)!

Much love and bright blessings!


Full Moon Mojo


Full Moon Mojo

Tomorrow is a full moon - full moon in Gemini and apparently this last full moon (a supermoon) of the year is just as intense, if not more so, than the other super full moons this year. When I read about it here, omg, it made so much sense. It was actually comforting! 

This year has been so much of a transition for me. So much shedding and letting go. So much sadness and disappointment and creating of space for new and different and hopefully better things to replace the things that fell away. Not easy is an understatement. Trial by fire is a nice way to put it. 

Courage was my word for 2016 and like I've said a few times this year, oh my how the Universe has delivered on ways for me to display courage!

And so to hear that the final purge is upon us and that the time of purification and stripping bear is almost at an end - it's released such an exhale of relief in me that I can barely describe it!

The whole point is to usher in the energy of newness and activated purpose of 2017. Where as this year has been about shedding, next year is going to be about growing new vibrant, glowing and radiant skin. Next year is going to be about being able to step naked and shining into your purpose as though you've been newly baptized and recommissioned onto a new path. 

I can barely express my excitement and gratitude for that lol! Seriously though, I'm sure that you can resonate with what I'm saying. I'm sure I'm not the only one of us who has let go of much this year and held onto hope that the goals and dreams we've clung to and allowed to percolate and evolve over this year would begin to solidly manifest at some point soon. 

For instance, in my case, I've been working on how to bring together what I can offer you. I created small programs and then came to the realization that these would only get you surface results. I got clearer on what transformation from working with me looks like and exactly how I've chosen thriving in life and how I can help you make the same choice for happiness and vibrant living (thriving!). I admitted that it's a system and not a quick fix, one you need to commit to, one that you need to allow time for. And I realized that only in-depth work would take you from where you are to where you want to go. 

And that has been a process believe me. A process of understanding and reassessing and adjusting and more understanding. And in the meantime, life was going on with it's regular bumps and fun not fun trials too. 

But here I am - here we are - at the end of the cycle, ready to give that last heave-ho and concerted effort to release anything else that's lingering around holding us back. It's time because who wants to take that unnecessary baggage into 2017? I know I don't! 

Tomorrow I'm going to be livestreaming from my Facebook Page about the full moon and giving some more of my insights and suggestions on how you can use that energy in your own life as well. I'm not quite sure what time of day it will be but I'm shooting for early morning :-). 

The beautiful thing about FB Live videos is that you can catch it later if you miss it live. So be sure to stop over there at some point tomorrow and check it out. 

So my love, here's to heralding in new amazing energy and releasing every bit of the stagnation that is still holding us back. Woohoo!!!

Lots of love <3!




Fear Vs. Opportunity


Fear Vs. Opportunity

Hey love <3, 

I know that we've had a TOUGH few days. I wanted to send this to you yesterday but I know today it will still help - if you are in need of help to feel better about the state of things. 

I think what's most important is that you and me - we - remember all of the examples in our own lives where choosing the higher path of love changed things in an instant. I'm talking about moments where you smiled at someone, you held the door open, you conceded that you were wrong and apologized..even when you gave someone a hug that needed it. These are the acts, thoughts, and deeds that will change us and those around us into the people we wish they were and we wish we were. That little bit of extra effort is going to be so worth it. 

I talked about this in a FB Live Chat yesterday morning as it all was sinking in. You can watch it here. Now is the time to challenge yourself to be encouraged. So much is riding on it in these days <3.

Always love!

P.S.If you are feeling dazed and need help moving forward, I am here for you! You can reach out via my Tarot page (just click on the image below) or by hopping on my schedule at  
