I am so very proud of myself for this past Tuesday. It was a tough day. It was the first day of my cycle, my emotions were all over the place, I was tired, feeling sick, my usual rah-rah was a quiet, little 'I guess, maybe' and I just felt crappy. But I still had to go to Paul Mitchell and try to be my best self there and then I had this really cool, awesome thing to do that evening that took me back to all the things that were important to me maybe 15 years ago - that I had no desire to do at all at the moment. I was teaching a class called Wise Woman Ways to Happy Hormones for our Central Arkansas Herbalism group and my own hormones were all over the place. And yet, I could not bail on any of it because when I'm feeling my most awesome, these are things that I cherish and feel incredibly grateful that I get to do. 

So how did I get through it? Focusing on my silver linings. Distracting myself into the next minute with things or either thoughts of things I enjoy. Reminding myself that I'm pretty awesome, I rock things like this out all of the time and I even have evidence. Reminding myself that I'm not doing this by myself (my woowoo friends will know what I mean). And promising myself a bomb dinner and vegan (me being nice to my body) chocolate for dessert 🙃.

And it worked :-). The Universe helped me stay focused, enjoy sharing and give out the right information that everyone needed that day. Yay!

So I'm proud of myself for staying in the game yesterday. Sometimes it's just not the right time for a time out and you have to keep it going. I'm immensely grateful to everyone that gave me smiles and good vibes yesterday without even realizing what good and needed medicine that was for me. And I'm immensely grateful to the Universe for always having a path before me to follow 💖🌞😊.




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